Hello and thanks for signing up for CE classes with 1st Choice Real Estate Academy!
Below you will find important information for the ZOOM class you have enrolled in.
1. Zoom links will be sent prior to class
2. Zoom waiting room opens at 6:30 AM
3. Class begins promptly at 7:00 AM (if you are not in the Zoom waiting
room at that time, you will not be allowed in the class - NO exceptions)
4. If you have only enrolled in the half day-afternoon class, it begins at 2:15 PM
New to Zoom?
You can test your Zoom capability anytime by using this link:
Join a meeting Tutorial-
Basic In Meeting Navigation Tutorial -
Zoom regulations are the same as a classroom setting.
You must have your webcam on for the entire duration of class, be clearly visible and paying attention.
We are required to record each session per RE Commission regulations.
By attending you are agreeing to be recorded in lieu of sign in/out sheets.
We cannot issue class credits unless you are on camera.
Please make sure you will have a consistent, reliable internet connection. We are not responsible for
lost connections to class but will assist with potential makeup classes as best as possible.
Turn off ALL electronic devices; NO PHONES ALLOWED DURING CLASS!
Maryland Real Estate Commission classroom rules for all classes:
Courses approved for CE are open to all licensees until enrollment limit is reached.
Attendance is monitored at the beginning and end of the course by sign in/out sheet which identifies the CE provider.
Turn off ALL electronic devices; also, do not bring unrelated reading material during the course.
Students must be physically present during ALL the offering time - no credit is given when
a student arrives late, leaves early, or steps out to answer a phone call.
No partial credit is allowed (no 3-hour credit for one session of a 6-hour offering).
Disputes about registration fees, cancellation or refund policies are resolved by the provider, not the Commission.
Some classes will be recorded, audio and visually, for training purposes.
registering, you consent to being recording and to the class policies.
Also remember to have fun!
Class credits will be uploaded to the RE commission usually within 1 or 2 days.
The Maryland Real Estate Commission allows up to 10 days for this.
If you have any questions regarding your Zoom course tomorrow, please reach out! We look forward to seeing you online!
Thank you,
David Norkus